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10 Things I Learned at Harvard
Introduction (4:59)
Tip 1: Get The Right Stuff (4:28)
Tip 2: Theory of 8 (5:24)
Tip 3: Reverse Engineer (4:40)
Tip 4: Do Your Readings Before Class and Take Notes While You Read (9:30)
Tip 5: Planning Fallacy (6:10)
Tip 6: Make a Plan (4:07)
Tip 7: Take Small Bites (6:41)
Tip 8: Consider the Order (3:49)
Tip 9: Protect Yourself from Yourself (7:04)
Tip 10: Be in it to Learn (3:39)
Recap (7:47)
Thank You! (1:20)
Tip 4: Do Your Readings Before Class and Take Notes While You Read
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